A story of a Family and its old olive trees

A family history renewed every day, from generation to generation.

We take care of our beautiful olive trees (or ulivi, as we call them in Tuscany) aged between 10 and 80 years. Our beautiful plants, powerful and full of those precious fruit named olives, allow us to produce the gold liquid we all know: the Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

We grow four types of olive trees
in our plots on the hills of Pisa:

– frantoio
– leccino
– moraiolo
– pendolino

The harvest phase lasts a long time, from mid-October until the Christmas period.
That’s because not all the olive trees ripen at the same time: it depends on the soil, on the exposure to the sun of the oliveyards and on the type of the olive trees.

For the olive harvest, we use air shakers. We produce oil with cold extraction method through mechanical processes and using the machinery of the local agricultural cooperative, because we know we can really find great attention to the cleaning of the oil press and the other machines.

You just have to taste it and become part of our family history!

Claudia Zucca
Web Content Creator

A Natale regala il Gusto dell’Olio Evo Agrimarconi.

Scegli tra i quattro formati disponibili e ordina entro il 15 dicembre:


Per ordini dopo tale data, il corriere non può garantire la consegna entro il 22 dicembre.

Olio Evo Agrimarconi_Natale