Three terrific days in front of the Italian excellence: here is the long-awaited event, the Vespa World Days 2024, on 18th -19th -20th April. And Agrimarconi was there!
Three days: the first one was on 18th April. This motion gathering is well known all over the world, it is based in Pontedera and it leads the drivers of the Vespa Piaggio to neighboring municipalities too, such as Casciana Terme where the streets and squares were full of tourists and stands of local producers, thanks to the Municipality. We took part with our Evo Oil Agrimarconi.
Unfortunately, it was rainy on the first day and this caused some troubles to the tourists.
The following days,19th e 20th April, on the contrary, it was sunny for everyone: Vespa motorbikes and their drivers coming from everywhere, tourists, the stand staffl and people of Casciana Terme.
The 3 Days have been driven by a truly celebratory atmosphere and, moreover, by colorful and beautiful Vespa Motorbikes and tastings of delicious local products.
At our stand, people had the possibility to taste our oil (and Tuscan oil is another Italian excellence), the traditional one and the new oil, flavored with garlic, chili pepper and bay leaf.
Handmade bread was enough to taste it at best.
The compliments we received made us proud, of course.
We exposed all our sizes, with gift boxes too:
the big and the medium can, the big bottle of 750 ml, the medium bottle of 500 ml, the one of 250 ml, and the little bottles of 100 ml too that, usually, are bought as little event gifts (great idea, isn’t it?).
Last but not least… tourists bought our handmade oil soaps.
Our oil entered the cosmetic field: Erboristeria di Casciana create beautiful soaps with Agrimarconi oil!
True pamper treatments for the skin of your face and body, being a natural product that respects the delicacy of the skin and nourishes it.
This is another great gift idea, don’t you think?
As usual, Italy is the cradle of the excellence with the iconic Vespa Piaggio, the villages to visit (maybe on a Vespa!) and with the local products representing our culinary tradition and craftsmanship, as in the case of our Evo Oil is 100% Tuscan Oil, 100% Italian Oil.
Claudia Zucca
Web Content Creator
Sono Matteo Marconi, provengo da una famiglia di agricoltori.
Sono cresciuto fin da piccolo in un contesto di azienda agricola e mi sono avvicinato man mano a questo mondo fatto di cura e rispetto per la natura, cominciando già dall’adolescenza a seguire le orme di mio padre, svolgendo alcuni piccoli lavori in campagna.
La mia giornata? Sveglia all’alba per sfalciare l’erba negli oliveti e controllo attento delle mie piante che tratto con Spintor Fly, un insetticida biologico.
C’è poi la fase più faticosa ma anche la più attesa dell’anno: la raccolta delle olive in autunno e la loro lavorazione, per ottenere l’olio extra vergine d’oliva di qualità superiore che imbottiglio.
In base al periodo dell’anno, mi occupo anche del fieno per i miei animali.
Sono giovane, ma molto coinvolto nelle attività dell’azienda di famiglia e il nome dell’olio che produco con passione e orgoglio ne e’ una chiara dimostrazione: Azienda Agricola Marconi Matteo, il tutto rappresentato nel logo dalla sola lettera M, l’iniziale del mio nome e del mio cognome, non per manie di protagonismo, ma perché ci metto davvero tutto Me stesso.