We are so glad to share with you something new: we have launched our Digital Gift Cards!
Gift Card & Evo Oil Agrimarconi are the perfect ingredients for perfect presents!

Christmas is around the corner and our Digital Gift Cards are perfect as a gift, even if they are an amazing idea every day of the year and for lots of events.
Some example? Birthdays, a promotion or an anniversary, the opening of a new business or a retirement party, for a goal achieved after much effort and for a nice thank-you gift.
Who else is it the ideal gift for? For those attending or having finished a course focused on oil tasting: fr them, this is the occasion to choose and taste our Tuscan superior extra virgin oil. 🫒
Are you ready to know the long list of advantages of our gift cards?📑
– they are digital: they are sold online and arrive by mail. Comfort, convenience, speed. 🔝
– they are eco-friendly: no material for disposal, with our e-Gift Cards
– two versions – 60 and 100 € – for different budgets
– they are available on all our oils: extra virgin oil and infused oil, in glass bottles or cans
– they are long term gifts: a whole year from the purchase of the gift card to receive our products
We could stop with the list of the advantages but … there are so many other reasons to buy our Gift Cards!
– those who buy and give our Gift Cards don’t have to think about selecting our items, because the choice is left to the recipient of the e-Gift Card.
Interesting, isn’t it?
– the Digital Gift Cards are perfect for people that are always late with gifts – (memory is not among their virtues🙃). Our e-Gift Card is the solution and it takes only few clicks!
– they are great for those who don’t have much time for presents. Only some clicks and the Gift Card is generated and mailed to the email address wanted
– last but not least: this gift card allows the recipient to bring in the kitchen a tasty Tuscan healthy product, an ingredient that everyone use or should use
And now, with all the information about our e-Gift Cards … You just have to choose one of them and send it to those who are dear to you. 🫶

Claudia Zucca
Web Content Creator

Sono Matteo Marconi, provengo da una famiglia di agricoltori.
Sono cresciuto fin da piccolo in un contesto di azienda agricola e mi sono avvicinato man mano a questo mondo fatto di cura e rispetto per la natura, cominciando già dall’adolescenza a seguire le orme di mio padre, svolgendo alcuni piccoli lavori in campagna.
La mia giornata? Sveglia all’alba per sfalciare l’erba negli oliveti e controllo attento delle mie piante che tratto con Spintor Fly, un insetticida biologico.
C’è poi la fase più faticosa ma anche la più attesa dell’anno: la raccolta delle olive in autunno e la loro lavorazione, per ottenere l’olio extra vergine d’oliva di qualità superiore che imbottiglio.
In base al periodo dell’anno, mi occupo anche del fieno per i miei animali.
Sono giovane, ma molto coinvolto nelle attività dell’azienda di famiglia e il nome dell’olio che produco con passione e orgoglio ne e’ una chiara dimostrazione: Azienda Agricola Marconi Matteo, il tutto rappresentato nel logo dalla sola lettera M, l’iniziale del mio nome e del mio cognome, non per manie di protagonismo, ma perché ci metto davvero tutto Me stesso.