Torta Pasqualina recipe: a culinary tradition

Torta Pasqualina

Torta Pasqualina (Salad Pie) is part of tradition, never can miss on Easter and Easter Monday menu. Let’s see how to prepare it > 👩‍🍳 The puff pastry, first of all. For the Stuffing. 🥬🫒🥚 Spread two parts of the dough, so you can have several thin layers.Line a mold of 24 cm in diameter […]

Olive oil is tasty and … it makes us beautiful

Saponi artigianali con olio d'oliva

Olive oil is healthy, tasty and it is a natural preservative for food. Are you sure it has no other qualities? 🤔 Olive Oil inside beauty products … It is really a terrific ingredient, also in cosmetics: it is tasty and, moreover, makes us beautiful! Olive Oil has extraordinary hydrating properties, it is a natural […]

Can oil have defects?

Can oil have defects? Yes it can, like every food product, in case its processing is not performed with care, step by step. Here some possible defects: Every step must be done carefully in order to avoid that oil can be compromised by unpleasant smells and tastes. My job always requires a lot of effort, […]

Do you like Pinsa?

Base della pinsa

Pinsa is a yummy focaccia bread, with flat and oval shape. Its name comes from the Latinate tongue, from the verb pinsère (to flatten), as we do with the dough, pressing it. Pinsa seems to be born during the times of Ancient Rome, but this is only an assumption. Anyway, today it is widely spread […]

Original party favors: little bottles of oil by Agrimarconi

Mini Bottiglie Olio Agrimarconi - bomboniere

This is our idea for very original party favors: our little bottles of extra virgin olive Tuscan oil to be added to the traditional sugared almonds, as a gift: Our beautiful little 100 ml bottles give a true touch of elegance and originality on every occasion: baptisms, communions and confirmations, weddings, graduations and more. Each […]

Bruschetta with Evo Oil Agrimarconi: a yummy snack!

merenda semplice e gustosa: bruschetta con olio evo agrimarconi

A simple, healthy, energizing and yummy snack? A bruschetta (a slice of bread) with evo oil and a pinch of oregano. It is simple, because it requires very few ingredients: one slice of bread, a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, oregano. It is healthy, because all the ingredients are nourishing and healthy. It is […]

Try our extra virgin olive oil inside your dessert

Mug cake

Butter is normally used to prepare desserts, but they are perfect when using the extra virgin oil too! Don’t you believe that? Well, all you have to do is try it … The mug cakes are a fast and yummy dessert; they don’t need the oven; a microwave is enough and you can replace butter […]

We are glad to introduce our four varieties of olives

On our Pisan lands, we cultivate four varieties of olives, in order to obtain a rich oil from the union of their characteristics. We like to think about which Tuscan famous characters remind us of, based on their peculiarities: Our EVO oil is a blend; it has character and identity; who knows which other personalities […]

EVO oil and … spot the differences

Extra Virgin olive Oil

Not everyone is aware of the differences between the extra virgin olive oil (EVO) and some other oils. See them in detail: As you can see, there are big differences between the Evo oil and the other classifications of oil: the extra virgin olive oil has no rival. It is natural, the healthiest and tastiest […]

A Natale regala il Gusto dell’Olio Evo Agrimarconi.

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