Some ideas for a fish menu on Saint Valentine’ s Day

Cena Romatica

If you want to stay at home on Saint Valentine’ s Day, you can cook your dinner with fresh ingredients and, obviously, with our extra virgin olive oil. A fish menu is always sophisticated. Here some ideas. The steps of this recipe are very easy but, anyway, you can follow the instructions of GialloZafferano (with […]

Cecìna, an ancient Pisan recipe

Cecina, piatto tipico pisano

During the holidays, there are several occasions for dinners at home with friends, but each time it is not trivial inventing something new and quick to be prepared. Here you can find an idea for a tasty dish: despite the fact that this recipe is extremely simple, it is not trivial because it is not […]

The Evo Oil is the basis of the Mediterranean Cuisine

Focaccia & Olio Evo_Agrimarconi

The Evo Oil the basis of the Mediterranean cuisine… maybe, at the beginning, we all think about pasta, or meat and fish, or vegetable … but, before that, we mean the extra virgin oil! As the International Olive Council states, row and cooked food normally requires a seasoning, it’s usually the extra virgin oil.🫒 Even […]

Recipe for Tuscan chestnut flour Castagnaccio

Ingrediente per castagnaccio: farina di castagne

Do you know chestnuts – the typical autumn fruit – can be used in many salty or sweet dishes? Some samples: a dish of delicious tagliatelle made with chestnut flour, the refined chestnut roast, marron glacés are a real delicacy and the same for the chestnut pudding.Another yummy dessert having chestnuts among the ingredients is […]

Recipe for pumpkin and sausage risotto

Piatto di risotto alla zucca

Inevitable, since October: a thousand recipes with the real queen of the autumn as a star… the Pumpkin! There are a lot of tasteful recipes for everyone and, clearly, the extra virgin oil is at the basis of many delicious dishes. Pumpkin and sausage risotto is our proposal, this time. Have a look to the […]

Bruschetta with Evo Oil Agrimarconi: a yummy snack!

merenda semplice e gustosa: bruschetta con olio evo agrimarconi

A simple, healthy, energizing and yummy snack? A bruschetta (a slice of bread) with evo oil and a pinch of oregano. It is simple, because it requires very few ingredients: one slice of bread, a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, oregano. It is healthy, because all the ingredients are nourishing and healthy. It is […]

Try our extra virgin olive oil inside your dessert

Mug cake

Butter is normally used to prepare desserts, but they are perfect when using the extra virgin oil too! Don’t you believe that? Well, all you have to do is try it … The mug cakes are a fast and yummy dessert; they don’t need the oven; a microwave is enough and you can replace butter […]

We are glad to introduce our four varieties of olives

On our Pisan lands, we cultivate four varieties of olives, in order to obtain a rich oil from the union of their characteristics. We like to think about which Tuscan famous characters remind us of, based on their peculiarities: Our EVO oil is a blend; it has character and identity; who knows which other personalities […]

EVO oil and … spot the differences

Extra Virgin olive Oil

Not everyone is aware of the differences between the extra virgin olive oil (EVO) and some other oils. See them in detail: As you can see, there are big differences between the Evo oil and the other classifications of oil: the extra virgin olive oil has no rival. It is natural, the healthiest and tastiest […]

A story of a Family and its old olive trees

A family history renewed every day, from generation to generation. We take care of our beautiful olive trees (or ulivi, as we call them in Tuscany) aged between 10 and 80 years. Our beautiful plants, powerful and full of those precious fruit named olives, allow us to produce the gold liquid we all know: the […]

A Natale regala il Gusto dell’Olio Evo Agrimarconi.

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Olio Evo Agrimarconi_Natale