The olives harvest is a crucial and magical moment for us producers, that brings us back to the roots of the earth. 🌱
Among the olive groves, with the sun filtering through the silver-green leaves: here, on our hills, we move through the branches to collect with care the ripe fruits that tell a journey of one year – even exhausting and filled with unknowns. 🌼☀️🍂☃️
🫒Each olive is a little treasure that symbolizes both tradition and dedication.
The olive harvesting is an experience that always connects us with our lands deeply, reminding us of the importance of respecting and celebrating nature and its generosity.
The harvest is generally made in autumn, between October and December, depending on the variety of the olives and the climatic conditions too.
This is the time when olives reach the right degree of ripeness, guaranteeing the best quality oil.
In November we collected two cultivars: Leccino and Maurino.
This second variety of olives is of Tuscan origin, but it spread throughout Italy, thanks to its excellent resistance to strong winds and low temperatures.
It does not produce fruit on a constant basis, honestly speaking and that means we take a good risk, but we keep it anyway, because it oil has such a nice taste, with both floral and fruity notes and a hint of herbs.
The Maurino olives contribute to give that good taste of Mediterranean scrub to our blend.
The picking (better known as olive harvest) with suitable equipment is that phase of the year marking the end of the agricultural cycle and the beginning of a new chapter focused on olive oil production in the mill, a continuous renewal that underlines the importance of living in harmony with the environment and teaching the value of patience and care because good things take time.🔄

Year by year, the earth gives us its fruits, we respond with gratitude and respect and transform it into a very good and genuine product to be put on your tables, inside your recipes and dishes.

Claudia Zucca
Web Content Creator

Sono Matteo Marconi, provengo da una famiglia di agricoltori.
Sono cresciuto fin da piccolo in un contesto di azienda agricola e mi sono avvicinato man mano a questo mondo fatto di cura e rispetto per la natura, cominciando già dall’adolescenza a seguire le orme di mio padre, svolgendo alcuni piccoli lavori in campagna.
La mia giornata? Sveglia all’alba per sfalciare l’erba negli oliveti e controllo attento delle mie piante che tratto con Spintor Fly, un insetticida biologico.
C’è poi la fase più faticosa ma anche la più attesa dell’anno: la raccolta delle olive in autunno e la loro lavorazione, per ottenere l’olio extra vergine d’oliva di qualità superiore che imbottiglio.
In base al periodo dell’anno, mi occupo anche del fieno per i miei animali.
Sono giovane, ma molto coinvolto nelle attività dell’azienda di famiglia e il nome dell’olio che produco con passione e orgoglio ne e’ una chiara dimostrazione: Azienda Agricola Marconi Matteo, il tutto rappresentato nel logo dalla sola lettera M, l’iniziale del mio nome e del mio cognome, non per manie di protagonismo, ma perché ci metto davvero tutto Me stesso.